A priceless contribution

The workshops are the buildings providing the space and the tools needed for the manufacture of Bunney goods.

A ‘best-in-field’ approach is employed in selecting producers for Bunney, and in many instances, the tools, skills, and the sensitive use of materials have changed little since the early part of the last century.

Craft is about skill. It is about the skilful use of tools and the sensitive use of materials.

Bunney Workshop Coat, 18 months use


Whilst there are as many interpretations of the word ‘craft’ as there are skills that come under it’s banner, in the workshops the word ‘craft’ is seldom heard. Instead, those engaged in the craft trades call themselves ‘tradesmen’ and speak of the ‘skills of the trade’.

This humbleness means that typically the workshop remains largely unknown and uncelebrated, yet they make a priceless contribution to the texture and variety of products that you see from Bunney.